Install Anaconda on Ubuntu – Complete Step-by-Step Guide

This tutorial shows you how to Install Anaconda on Ubuntu, the Open Source distribution of the Python and R programming languages for Data Science and Machine Learning related Applications. The Packages are managed by the Package Management System Conda.

Table of Contents

What is Anaconda for Python?

Anaconda for Python is a powerful programming language and development environment that professional programmers around the world widely use. With Anaconda, developers can create complex applications using a wide array of custom libraries and tools.

Anaconda provides users with a simple graphical interface for writing code as well as features like debugging, testing, and version control. Additionally, Anaconda boasts an extensive community of users who can provide support and resources to help you get started or troubleshoot any issues that you may encounter along the way. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, Anaconda is the ideal tool for creating robust and reliable applications in Python.

Is Anaconda Compatible with Ubuntu?

Anaconda is a popular Python programming environment that many developers use to create and manage their projects. However, many users have been asking the question: is Anaconda compatible with Ubuntu? There is no easy answer to this question, as there are some factors that can influence compatibility. For example, it may depend on which version of Python you use in Ubuntu or whether specific libraries or packages need to be installed to get Anaconda up and running.

Ultimately, it is best to consult the official documentation for both Anaconda and Ubuntu in order to determine if they are truly compatible. That said, most users report that they have successfully set up Anaconda alongside Ubuntu without any issues, making it an attractive choice for anyone working with both Python and Linux systems.

How to install Anaconda on Ubuntu

Installing Anaconda on Ubuntu is straightforward. We just need to follow through with a few steps. In this example, we are using Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS, but the same procedure will work on any other Ubuntu version, including Ubuntu Server.

Step 1 – Downloading the Anaconda Installer

First, we need to download the Anaconda installer. Click on the following link and save the file inside of your Downloads folder:

Download Anaconda for Ubuntu

Step 2 – Opening the Terminal

Now we need to open the Ubuntu terminal. The easiest way to do this is by pressing the Windows key on your computer to open the search and then typing: terminal. Click on the terminal icon to open it.

Opening the Ubuntu Terminal

Step 3 – Updating the System

As always, first, make sure your System is up to date.

We can do this by running the following:

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -yCode language: Bash (bash)
Updating the System

Step 4 – Install Anaconda on Ubuntu

Now we can go ahead and install Anaconda on Ubuntu. To do that, simply run the following syntax:

bash ~/Downloads/Anaconda3-2022.05-Linux-x86_64.shCode language: Bash (bash)

As you can see, this installs a specific version (2022.05). Of course, version numbers will change, so make sure you adjust the command according to the Anaconda version you’ve downloaded.

An easy way to circumvent this is by typing: bash ~/Downloads/Anaconda and then hitting the tab key for auto-completion!

Install Anaconda on Ubuntu

After pressing Enter, scroll through the license agreement by using your arrow keys and when you reach the end, write yes into your terminal window and press enter to accept them.

After this, you will get asked where you want to install Anaconda on Ubuntu. You can just leave this as default and press enter to start the installation.

Install Anaconda on Ubuntu

Step 5 – Activating the Installation

After the installation process is finished, type yes into the terminal a final time to run conda init:

Install Anaconda on Ubuntu

And run the following command to be able to use Conda commands:

source ~/.bashrcCode language: Bash (bash)

Or if you use ZSH, use:

source ~/.zshrcCode language: Bash (bash)

Step 6 – Testing the Installation

We can use the conda list command to test if our installation & activation was successful:

conda listCode language: Bash (bash)
Testing Conda Commands

Step 7 – Update Anaconda

To make sure we are running the latest version of Anaconda for our environments, run the following:

conda update -n base -c defaults conda

Confirm with y if you get asked if you want to proceed.

Update Anaconda

Create Anaconda Environment

Now we can create a new development environment. Hit y to proceed after entering the command below.

conda create --name new_environment python=3Code language: Bash (bash)
Create Anaconda Environment

Activate Anaconda Environment

And finally, we activate the environment.

source activate new_environmentCode language: Bash (bash)
Activate Anaconda Environment


This is everything you need to do when you want to install Anaconda on Ubuntu. You should now have a fully working Anaconda Environment within a few simple steps. To summarize:

  • You need to download Anaconda
  • You need to install Anaconda
  • You need to activate the Anaconda installation
  • You need to update Anaconda

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6 thoughts on “Install Anaconda on Ubuntu – Complete Step-by-Step Guide”

  1. I had the same problem. The problem is pressing Enter instead yes here:

    Do you wish the installer to prepend the Anaconda3 install location
    to PATH in your /home/pavlenty/.bashrc ? [yes|no]
    [no] >>>

    Try to update anaconda with “bash -u”. This time you should enter yes.

  2. I got the same message but it was resolved when I ran the command:

    export PATH=/home//anaconda3/bin:$PATH

    Note: Remember to change accordingly!


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